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Branded Gifts for Commuting Hydraulics Clients

Hydraulics distributors may find that their customers are on the go a lot, and this can be a major insight into unwrapping marketing potential with strategic promotional gifts. 


It cannot be underestimated how successful gifting of promotional products is to spreading awareness of your brand to a wide audience, resulting in new clients and becoming a go-to source for customers. 

By the Promotional Products Association International's (PPAI) estimations, the success rate of reaching consumers and brand recall with the use of promotional gifts is 65 percent. The PPAI also reports that 80% of promotional items are used for more than a year, and that 63% of those in the United States?and 64% of those in Canada give promotional products 

So, get to know commuters, trends, and gift wisely for the best marketing results that drive busy customers to your brand. 


Some Considerations Before Gifting 


To get the most out of promotional gifts for commuters, it’s important to assure the receivers of branded products will use them 


A full infographic here reveals more data on the effectiveness of customized promotional gifts, and some figures that support researching your audience to satisfy their needs and wants.  


Some questions to ask about clients that will help decide whether the branded gift will be used often: 


  • Target market: Does it fit with the commuters’ personalities or interestsAre they environmentally conscientious? Do they drink coffee? 
  • Demographics: Are they younger or older? What population do they belong to? 
  • Region: Do they commute through a cold or hot climate? Is it urban or rural?  
  • Frequency and exposure: What do you see them using everyday during the commute? Do they use public transportation, ride a bike, or carpool? 

To effectively promote your brand to commuters, first think of what they would use most frequently and analyze trending items based on items that would satisfy their specific wants and needs.   

In the end, the effort will be worth itWell-used items have the most potential to make the most impact on brand recognition and sales 


Keep Your Eye on Trends for Commuters 


After looking at the interests, demographics, region, and exposure offered by individual clients’ needs, consider which gifting trends would best fit their lifestyles and be used most often.  

A listing of the 80 most popular and well-used promotional gifts include both trendy and timeless items.  

Top trends include: 

Other, more timeless items also made the list of trends for commuter gifts:  

  • Travel mugs and hydration bottles 
  • Ear buds 
  • Facial tissues and wipes 
  • Hoodies 
  • Charging stations and battery packs 

While trending items may more often appeal to younger generations, interest, region, and exposure are also determinants of how useful these items will be.  

If the trends match interest and region, these desired items will gain more exposure.  

For example, these items that are trending in cooler climates would not only meet the needs of commuters from these regions, but the desirability may draw more eyes in that region to your brand: 

By researching audience characteristics and choosing a traditional or trendy customized gift that fits commuters’ individual needs, your brand will be on full display in the lives of your desired customers for years to come. 


A Gift That Gives Back  


The greatest advantage of promotional gifts is their effectiveness, and figures show a high rate of success, especially when it comes to advertising, brand recall, and connectedness. 

By doing a little work to track trends and make sure commuters will find these products useful, promotional gifts will bring new customers to your business, as well as encourage existing customers to come back.  

Hydraulic Parts Source is a leading fluid power remanufacturer, and we’re ready to serve you. Contact us today to experience OE quality for a fraction of the time and cost by calling (888) 477-7278 or get a quote by emailing 


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